I cannot count how many times I've met clients who have told me that they have applied for a job at just about everywhere but no one has called them to set up an interview and it is so funny to see that when the final assessment is completed, I find that they have only applied to 3-4 places within that month and are just waiting for those places to call them back. I had one guy that gave me an application at his first consulting appointment that was 3 months old and insisted that I return the application for him because he did not have the time to do it. Needless to say, to encourage him, I agreed to return the application but under one condition, that he went with me to return it. So we changed the date on the application and moved forward.
A successful job search requires consistency so that even after 5 "no's" you finally get the "YES" that you have worked so hard for. We all are at risk to be seduced by procrastination but we can't allow useless excuses like "I'm tired" or "I'll start tomorrow" to become the job search demons that keep us from reaching goals that positively change our lives. We need to consistently remind ourselves to keep at it.
Don't Stop!
Once you have started your job search, you have made a decision to move from point A to point B. Point B can't be reached if you make and effortless decision to move off course. Make the decision today to continue until you reach your goal, which in this case is to get the job. Yes, it requires commitment and sacrifice but once the goal is met, commitment and sacrifice will become the friendly testimonies that you share to motivate others.
Pass Go!
Decide how many applications you want to submit in a week and once you reach that number, go beyond that. Exert extra time if you can spare it. Don't exhaust yourself but give more than enough because you are traveling the road to success.
Keep Going!
I have two questions for you... Where are you going? And... Where do you want to go? You can't allow your lack of motivation to steer you somewhere you do not want to go. You need to have a clear sense of direction to move forward. If you have ever been on an airplane then you probably have experienced some turbulence that could've caused the plane to get off course and this may have caused you some anxiety mainly because you felt like you had no control over the flight but if thought in the perspective of the pilot in the driver's seat, you may seek a higher altitude that can safely reach the destination. This decision is made because the destination is clear. That is what you need to keep in mind during your job search because having a clear goal of what you want to do will help you to be ready for any motivational barriers that may affect your job search and threaten to steer you to the road to nowhere.
By Joyce Sanchez---->Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7971261
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